Evaluation Process

Understanding your child’s developmental needs is our priority at The Goldman Center of Chicago. Our comprehensive evaluation process is designed to provide clear, actionable insights into your child’s strengths and areas for growth. Here’s what you can expect when you choose us for your child’s diagnostic evaluation.
Intake Meeting | Evaluation Process

Intake Meeting

Your journey with us begins with an initial intake meeting. During this session, one of our experienced psychologists will conduct a detailed parent interview. This is an opportunity for us to gather important background information about your child, such as developmental history, current concerns, and any previous evaluations or interventions. The psychologist will also explain the diagnostic evaluation process, ensuring you understand what to expect. This meeting sets the foundation for a personalized evaluation that addresses your child’s specific needs.
Testing Appointments | Evaluation Process

Testing Appointments

Following the intake meeting, we schedule one-on-one testing appointments with your child. These sessions are designed to be engaging and comfortable, allowing us to assess various developmental areas. The length of testing can vary depending on factors such as your child’s age and the specific areas of concern. Our clinicians are skilled at making the experience as smooth as possible, and parents are encouraged to be present to provide additional support and insights.
Scoring & Analysis | Evaluation Process

Scoring and Analysis

Once the testing is complete, our psychologist will carefully score and analyze the results. This involves reviewing standardized test scores, observational data, and any relevant background information. The outcome is a comprehensive report that outlines all findings, providing a clear picture of your child’s developmental profile. This report includes detailed clinical recommendations tailored to support your child’s ongoing growth and development.
Feedback Meeting | Evaluation Process

Feedback Meeting

The final step in our evaluation process is the feedback meeting. During this session, the psychologist will go over the results of the evaluation with you, explaining the scores and what they mean for your child’s development. You’ll receive personalized recommendations for next steps, which may include referrals for additional services such as therapy or educational support. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to help your child thrive.
Ongoing Support & Follow-Up | Evaluation Process

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

Our care for your child extends beyond the initial evaluation. After the assessment, we continue to support your family with resources and guidance, helping you navigate the next steps. Whether you need referrals to recommended services or have questions about your child’s progress, we are here to ensure your child receives the best possible care and ongoing support.

Start Your Child’s Evaluation Journey Today

Choosing The Goldman Center means choosing a team dedicated to your child’s success. Our evaluation process is designed to provide the insights and support your family needs to unlock your child’s full potential. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an intake meeting.
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Start Your Child’s Evaluation Journey Today
"Our experience with The Goldman Center was incredibly supportive. They were there for us when we felt most vulnerable, quickly setting up an evaluation for our son when other places had long wait times. The staff treated us with kindness, answered all our questions thoroughly, and made us feel comfortable throughout the diagnosis process. They provided us with excellent resources and therapy programs, leading to great success for our son. We highly recommend The Goldman Center!"
"A friend recommended The Goldman Center to us, and now we recommend them to anyone who suspects their child may be neurodivergent. Getting a proper diagnosis was crucial for us, and we needed a place that was both thorough in testing and could clearly explain how our son's diagnosis specifically affected him. Goldman did exactly that, providing detailed insights and recommending resources tailored to our son's unique needs."

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