Free ADHD Screening

As a parent, noticing your child struggling with focus, hyperactivity, or impulsive behaviors can be challenging. You may wonder if these behaviors are part of typical development or if they could be signs of something more, such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). At The Goldman Center of Chicago, we offer a Free ADHD Screening designed to help you better understand your child’s behavior and whether further evaluation may be needed.
Please respond to the following questions about your child's behavior. Consider whether each statement reflects your child's behavior over the past six months and if these behaviors have been observed in different settings. This screening is recommended for children aged 6 to 11 years.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 4

My child finds it difficult to stay focused on homework or other tasks.*
The smallest distraction easily throws my child off task.*
My child frequently loses items like homework or personal belongings.*
My child struggles to remain seated, even when expected to.*
My child avoids activities that require extended focus and mental effort.*
My child often moves to a new activity before finishing the current one.*

Important Note: This Is Not a Diagnostic Tool

While the Free ADHD Screening can provide helpful insights, it’s important to understand that it is not an official diagnosis. ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that requires a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional. If the screening indicates concerns, we strongly encourage parents to seek a full evaluation to gain a deeper understanding of their child’s needs.

What Is a Free ADHD Screening?

Our Free ADHD Screening is a simple, quick, and confidential tool that gives parents insight into their child’s attention and behavior patterns. This screening is not an official diagnosis, but rather a starting point to help identify behaviors commonly associated with ADHD. It serves as a guide to help you decide if seeking a full diagnostic evaluation for ADHD is the right next step.

How Does the ADHD Screening Work?

Our ADHD screening process involves a short questionnaire that focuses on common symptoms of ADHD, such as:

  • Difficulty staying focused or paying attention
  • Frequent forgetfulness or misplacing items
  • Hyperactivity and constant movement
  • Impulsive behavior, like acting without thinking

You’ll be asked to reflect on your child’s behavior both at home and in school settings. The results will help you understand whether your child may be showing signs of ADHD and if a comprehensive evaluation might be necessary.

Why Use an ADHD Screening?

Parents often have concerns about their child’s attention and behavior but are unsure if those concerns warrant an evaluation. This screening tool provides an easy way to gather preliminary information without the pressure of committing to a full assessment.

  • Non-invasive and time-efficient: The screening is quick and easy to complete, offering valuable insights without any commitment.
  • Initial guidance for parents: If the screening suggests your child may show symptoms of ADHD, it helps guide your next steps in seeking a formal evaluation.
  • Understanding your child's behavior: You’ll gain a clearer picture of your child’s behavior patterns and whether they align with common ADHD symptoms.

What to Do If You Have Concerns

If you find that the screening highlights behaviors that concern you, the next step is to schedule a full evaluation with a licensed psychologist or healthcare provider. At The Goldman Center of Chicago, we offer comprehensive ADHD evaluations to assess your child’s development, behavior, and learning patterns. Our experienced team will work with you to create a tailored plan to support your child’s growth.

Take the First Step Today

If you’re concerned about your child’s focus, behavior, or academic performance, our Free ADHD Screening is an excellent starting point. By providing this screening tool, we aim to empower parents with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their child’s well-being.

Contact us today to learn more about the Free ADHD Screening or to schedule a comprehensive ADHD evaluation with one of our experts. The Goldman Center is here to support you every step of the way.

"Our experience with The Goldman Center was incredibly supportive. They were there for us when we felt most vulnerable, quickly setting up an evaluation for our son when other places had long wait times. The staff treated us with kindness, answered all our questions thoroughly, and made us feel comfortable throughout the diagnosis process. They provided us with excellent resources and therapy programs, leading to great success for our son. We highly recommend The Goldman Center!"
"A friend recommended The Goldman Center to us, and now we recommend them to anyone who suspects their child may be neurodivergent. Getting a proper diagnosis was crucial for us, and we needed a place that was both thorough in testing and could clearly explain how our son's diagnosis specifically affected him. Goldman did exactly that, providing detailed insights and recommending resources tailored to our son's unique needs."

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