
Explore a wealth of insights, expertise, and guidance within our curated collection of articles, providing invaluable resources and knowledge to support the holistic development of children at CST Academy.

Supporting Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs): A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Educators

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) represent a range of physical, behavioral, and cognitive impairments that can occur when a child is exposed to alcohol in utero. These challenges can affect...
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Teeth Brushing and Sensory Needs or Autism

Why won’t my child with autism brush their teeth? While teeth-brushing is a part of adults’ daily routines that we don’t think much about, it can be a source of...
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Bedtime Tips for Children with Disabilities

A number of studies have identified that children with developmental disabilities like autism, Down syndrome, and Global Developmental Delay struggle with sleep challenges more often than children who are typically-developing....
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How Can I Get My Child to Clean Up After Themselves?

Sometimes it might feel like your child is a little tornado blowing through your home; uprooting organization systems and leaving crumbs in its path. Whether you have a typically-developing child...
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What Therapy Helps Sensory Issues?

What are sensory sensitivities? Sensory sensitivities are unusual experiences with sensory input. Humans experience sensory input through five senses: seeing, hearing/listening, touch/feeling, taste, and smell. With a sensory sensitivity, a...
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All About Early Intervention

All About Early Intervention Early Intervention is a state-run collection of services to support children with any type of developmental delay. Children from infancy through age three may receive services...
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How Can I Help My Child With Down Syndrome Transition?

Getting ready for a change in environment, activity, or caregiver with a child with Down syndrome can be challenging. Down syndrome looks different from child to child in terms of...
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What is Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children?

Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized by extreme distress around events where a caregiver leaves or plans to leave, significantly affecting day-to-day activities. Significant, debilitating anxiety may also surround leaving home,...
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Special Education in a Public School vs. Therapeutic School

What is special education? Special education is a wide variety of academic and therapeutic services that help students with disabilities learn. Special education teachers support students with diverse needs and...
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All About Global Developmental Delays

What is a global developmental delay? A global delay, developmental delay, or global developmental delay is when a child ages 0-5 takes longer than average to hit more than one...
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What is a Token Economy System for Behavior?

A token economy system for behavior is a reward system that provides tokens that represent working towards a goal. They reinforce the desired behavior, whatever that might be for your...
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How Can I Help My Anxious Child Be More Social?

Navigating the social world as a young person has always been challenging, but anxiety can make it even more difficult. It may appear your child wants to socialize but struggles...
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"Our experience with The Goldman Center was incredibly supportive. They were there for us when we felt most vulnerable, quickly setting up an evaluation for our son when other places had long wait times. The staff treated us with kindness, answered all our questions thoroughly, and made us feel comfortable throughout the diagnosis process. They provided us with excellent resources and therapy programs, leading to great success for our son. We highly recommend The Goldman Center!"
"A friend recommended The Goldman Center to us, and now we recommend them to anyone who suspects their child may be neurodivergent. Getting a proper diagnosis was crucial for us, and we needed a place that was both thorough in testing and could clearly explain how our son's diagnosis specifically affected him. Goldman did exactly that, providing detailed insights and recommending resources tailored to our son's unique needs."

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